Who am I?!

Itske van Teutem (27)

Hi there, I’m Itske! I’m a game designer and developer with a passion for cinematic narrative-based games. I have a background in game development and I have a very diverse set of skills from programming, project management to level design and visual story telling. If it has anything to do with making games I want to learn what I can about it!

Skills (that I hope will some day pay the bills)

*Years are in estimated time spent working with the technology on an active basis.

My greatest skill however is rapid prototyping, which you can check out on my itch. I specialize in getting from concept to playtest as quickly as possible. This significantly aids my design process and allows me to be a far more effective designer.


Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

unnamed (3)

Introduction After the Untombed Project I was thinking about what to do next….


Join Matt and Sam on this epic cinematic adventure as they try to…
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